Zip Money

Buy Now. Pay Later.
Interest Free Always.
How zipPay works
Checkout with zipPay
Create your account and confirm your purchase
Your order is processed immediately
zipPay pays on your behalf!
Pay over time
You pay zipPay back over time in easy weekly or monthly payments
zipPay is a simple and secure payment option, that let's you shop today and pay later for your purchases.
Key features and benefits
Interest Free Always
Full payment flexbility
Sign up in seconds
Get access to a new shopping account
Nothing to pay today
Shop better, faster, smarter online.
zipPay is such a fast, simple and painless way to shop online. Would definitely recommend.
Georgia H
The staff at zipPay are some of the friendliest and coolest people I know! I use zipPay wherever and whenever I can!
Lisa M
Super easy to use. Having flexible payment options for online shopping has changed everything.
Rebecca R